Children are a blessing ­— a gift. (Psalm 127:3-5) It is good that Scripture reinforces this, as does a good parent. I remember in my arrogance as a teenager I was complaining to my dad about these little snot-nosed, noisy kids running around the church. He reminded me that I was once a kid, as we all were. Ouch! Me? Really? Snot-nosed? I suppose it’s possible.  My wife has helped me with this as well. She does not see children as annoyances, instead, she sees them as unique individuals, adults in training. Hmm… Nice! Thank you, sweetheart. God created us to go through a stage of forced dependency and designed humility as we start life as an infant and continue through childhood. This should be a good reminder for us arrogant adults. God sees us as children, and He rewards the humble. Lord, help me gently encourage, love, and appreciate children. Help me look to You with the humility and expectancy of a child.

I love You God. I trust You God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You God.


Children 1

Children 2

Children 3

Children 4

Children 5