Looking back, friendships seemed so easy, so natural, and relatively simple when I was in grade school. We would play together, laugh together, argue, fight, and make up, sometimes all in the same day. Now friendships are filtered through unmet expectations and personal laziness, and a fair amount of defensiveness. Good friendships should encourage us, but also challenge us. As I get older, the daily energy for life is seeming to diminish. I’m not sure if I am brave enough, or have the energy to wound a friend, (Proverbs 27:6) and I wonder if I am too proud to be wounded (I hope not). Actually, when I look at the most helpful friends, the friends that hold me accountable, the ones that are willing to be held accountable, the ones who consistently encouraged me back into God’s Word; these are the most valuable. Like a good surgeon, they are able to cut at just the right place. Thank You, God, for good friends. Lord, help me be a wise friend in the way You would have me be.

I love You God. I trust You God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You God.


Friendships 1

Friendships 2

Friendships 3

Friendships 4

Friendships 5