I love rewards, I love getting rewards, I love giving rewards, and I love seeing others get rewards. It is such a great confirmation of all the stressing, striving, discomfiture, and work it took to be qualified for the reward. The fact that God talks about bringing a reward with Him, and rewarding us, is truly exciting to think about. Really, a reward from God? The Creator and Caretaker of everything. What could this be? What would it look like? I’m sure any earthly reward, trophy, etc. no matter how big or impressive could not even come close to a reward given by God. Wow! Lord, thank You for the promise of rewards, give me strength, wisdom, and perseverance to function in self-sacrificing love, and consistently encouraging others to do the same.

I love You God. I trust You God. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank You God.
